720 XTF Search Results (subject=African Americans -- Migrations -- History -- 20th century;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f8-subject=Migration, Internal -- United States -- History -- 20th century;f9-subject=African Americans -- Migrations -- History -- 20th century;f10-subject=United States -- Church history -- 20th century);subject-join%3Dexact;brand%3Ddefault;f8-subject%3DMigration,%20Internal%20--%20United%20States%20--%20History%20--%2020th%20century;f9-subject%3DAfrican%20Americans%20--%20Migrations%20--%20History%20--%2020th%20century;f10-subject%3DUnited%20States%20--%20Church%20history%20--%2020th%20century Results for your query: subject=African Americans -- Migrations -- History -- 20th century;subject-join=exact;brand=default;f8-subject=Migration, Internal -- United States -- History -- 20th century;f9-subject=African Americans -- Migrations -- History -- 20th century;f10-subject=United States -- Church history -- 20th century Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Bound for the promised land: African American religion and the great migration. Sernett, Milton C., 1942- Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT