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'Oheb Zedek Congregation Cleveland Ohio' in subject Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Heights Jewish Center Records     
 Creator:  Heights Jewish Ceneter 
 Dates:  1922-1957 
 Abstract:  The Heights Jewish Center, founded in 1923, was the first synagogue to be established in the Cleveland, Ohio eastern suburbs. Israel Porath served as rabbi from 1946 to 1972. During his tenure, the congregation merged with several other Orthodox synagogues. The collection consists of legal records presumably collected by its onetime president and legal counsel, Charles C. Goldman. It includes merger proposals and agreements with Beth Hakneseth Anshe Grodno Gubernium Shome Shaboth, Shaarey Torah Congregation, and Oheb Zedek Congregation, as well as legal documents created when its various buildings were purchased, sold and remodeled. 
 Call #:  MS 4757 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Porath, Israel, d. 1974. | Heights Jewish Center (University Heights, Ohio). | Beth Hakneseth Anshe Grodno Guberium Shome Shaboth. | Shaarey Torah Congregation. | Oheb Zedek Congregation (Cleveland, Ohio). | Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
2Title:  B'nai Jeshurun Congregation Records     
 Creator:  B'nai Jeshurun Congregation 
 Dates:  1891-1991 
 Abstract:  B'nai Jeshurun Congregation, one of the largest Conservative synagogues in the United States, was established in 1866 by Jewish Hungarian immigrants as an Orthodox synagogue in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1884, a vacated synagogue building on Eagle Street in Cleveland housed the congregation. Buildings on Scoville Avenue and East 55th Street were home to the congregation from 1906-1926, when the congregation moved to Mayfield and Lee Roads, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. In 1980 B'nai Jeshurun moved to Fairmount Boulevard, Pepper Pike, Ohio. A gradual shift from the Orthodox to Conservative movement began under the first rabbi, Sigmond Dreschler. Over the years, portions of the congregation broke away over the issue of liberalization of religious practices and formed new congregations, including Oheb Zedek in 1904 and Beth Am in 1933. Rabbi Rudolph M. Rosenthal served the then firmly Conservative congregation from 1933-1976. The collection consists of minutes, bulletins, correspondence, newspaper articles, membership lists, committee reports, and anniversary displays. 
 Call #:  MS 4726 
 Extent:  4.81 linear feet (8 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Rosenthal, Rudolph M. (Rudolph Marvin), 1906-1979. | B'nai Jeshurun (Cleveland Heights, Ohio). | Oheb Zedek Congregation (Cleveland, Ohio). | Congregation Beth Am (Cleveland Heights, Ohio). | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews, Hungarian -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland Heights. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Pepper Pike. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Organization and administration. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Pepper Pike -- Organization and administration. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland Heights -- Organization and administration. | Conservative Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Synagogue bulletins.
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