Series II: Jewish Young Adult Bureau 1936-1949

Box Folder
3 1 Activity reports 1939-1940
3 1-3 Administrative files 1939-1948
Box Folder
4 4 Administrative files, Evaluation Committee 1942-1943
4 5 Affiliation dues 1943
4 5 Albert, Henry L. (assistant director of the Jewish Young Adult Bureau) 1945-1947
4 6 American Association of Group Workers 1948
4 6 American Ethical Union, Encampment for Citizenship 1947
4 6 American German Club 1940
4 6 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc. 1945-1946
4 6 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc. Greater Cleveland Committee Supplies for Overseas Survivors 1947
4 6 American Red Cross 1947
4 6 American Veterans Committee 1946
4 7 American Youth for a Free World 1945
4 7 American Youth for Democracy 1947
4 8 Annual meetings 1945-1948
4 9 Army, correspondence and addresses 1943
4 9-10 Army and Navy Committee 1942-1944
4 10 Attendance lists 1945
4 11 B'nai B'rith 1940-1944
4 11 Blood Donor Committee 1943-1944
4 12-15 Board of Trustees, minutes, correspondence, and related materials 1939-1948
4 16-17 Budget, financial statements, correspondence, and reports 1939-1948
4 18 Bulletins 1944-1947
4 18 Cain Park 1944-1947
4 19 Camp Anisfield 1940-1942
4 19 Camp Henry Baker 1941-1942
4 19 Camp Wise 1939-1943
4 19 Camp Wise Alumni Association 1943
4 19 Chanukah Gift Box Project 1943
4 19 Chanukah parties 1948-1949
4 20 Civilian defense 1941-1943
4 21-23 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, administrative files 1942-1948
4 24 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, dinner meeting 1947
4 24 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, Athletic Program Committee 1947
4 24 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, Birobidjan 1947
4 25 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, camp weekend 1944-1945
4 26 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, camp weekend 1947
4 26 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, constitution 1946
4 26 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, Forum Committee 1943-1944
4 26 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, Public Affairs Committee 1946-1948
4 27 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, Train Kit Committee 1943-1944
4 27 Cleveland Jewish Youth Council, winter weekend 1947
Box Folder
5 28 Cleveland Junior Hadassah 1940-1944
5 28 Cleveland Section National Council of Jewish Juniors 1941-1943
5 29 Conferences, national 1943-1944
5 29 Constitution Committee 1944
5 29 Consumers League of Ohio 1942-1947
5 30-31 Correspondence 1940-1948
5 32-33 Council Educational Alliance (includes Leader's Association) 1941-1948
5 34-35 Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds 1939-1948
5 35 Crile Record Library Project 1944
5 35 Cultural Committee 1941-1942
5 36 Erie Youth Council 1947
5 36 Euclid Avenue Temple Alumni Association 1940-1943
5 37 Facilities 1939-1947
5 38 Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations of Greater Cleveland 1946-1948
5 39 Financial records 1939-1944
5 40 Financial records, check stubs and deposit slips 1942-1944
5 41 Financial records, receipt book 1939-1944
5 42 Financial records, statements and worksheets 1941-1946
5 43-46 Financial records, vouchers 1942-1944
Box Folder
6 47-49 Financial records, vouchers 1940-1944
6 50 Fine, Meyer (assistant director of the Jewish Young Adult Bureau) 1947
6 50 Fund Raising Committee 1947-1948
6 50 Glenville Community Council 1945
6 50 Glenville Youth Committee 1941
6 51-52 Hakoah (Jewish social, cultural, and athletic organization) 1939-1942
6 53 Hebrew classes 1943
6 53 Heights Temple Alumni 1942
6 53 High school clubs and fraternities 1941-1947
6 53 Holiday schedule 1943-1944
6 53 House Committee 1943-1948
6 54 Inter-Group Committee 1943-1948
6 54 Interpretation Committee 1943-1946
6 54 Jewish Book Month 1945-1948
6 54 Jewish Community Center, Staff Institute 1948
6 55 Jewish Community Council 1945-1948
6 55 Jewish Community Council, Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association 1939
6 55 Jewish Recreation Council 1939-1943
6 56 Jewish Welfare Federation 1943-1945
6 56 Jewish Welfare Federation, Personnel Practices Committee 1947
6 57-59 Jewish Welfare Federation, Social Agency Committee 1937-1948
6 60 Jewish Welfare Federation, Social Agency Committee, B'nai B'rith Special Committee 1947-1948
6 61-63 Jewish Welfare Federation, Social Agency Committee, Group Work Study Committee 1945-1948
6 64 Jewish Welfare Federation, Social Agency Committee, Group Work Study Committee, Sub-committee on Program and Facilities 1937-1948
6 65 Jewish Welfare Fund 1943
6 65 Jewish Youth Views 1942-1945
6 65 Joint CEA-JYAB Committee 1943
6 65 Junior B'nai B'rith-Aleph Zadik Aleph 1939-1942
6 66 Junior Hostess Committee 1943-1945
6 66 League of Jewish Youth 1936-1941
Box Folder
7 67 Lecture and concert material 1943-1944
7 68-69 Mailing lists 1941-1948
7 70 March of Dimes 1944-1945
7 70 Married Couples Club 1947
7 70-71 Miscellaneous 1943-1948
7 72 Miscellaneous organizational bulletins and organizational information sheets 1946-1947
7 73 Monthly activity statistics 1945-1946
7 73 Music Programs 1942-1943
7 73 National Association of Jewish Center Workers 1946-1948
7 74 National Folk Festival 1946
7 74-75 National Jewish Welfare Board 1946-1948
7 75 National Jewish Welfare Board, Midwest section 1945-1948
7 76 National Jewish Welfare Board, Midwest Section, Regional Youth Institute 1947
7 77 National Jewish Welfare Board, Midwest Section, youth Committee 1947-1948
7 78-81 National Jewish Welfare Board, National Jewish Youth Conference 1948-1949
7 82 National Jewish Welfare Board, National Jewish Youth Planning Commission 1947-1948
7 83 National Jewish Welfare Board, Survey Commission Report 1947
Box Folder
8 84 National Youth Institute 1945-1947
8 84 Office equipment 1939-1947
8 84 Officer's Seminar 1939-1940
8 85 Palestine Youth Conference 1947
8 85 Personnel Committee, correspondence and related material 1946-1949
8 86 Program Committee 1943-1944
8 86 Program resources 1943-1946
8 87 Program Service 1942-1946
8 87 Progressive Citizens Committee 1946
8 87 Public Affairs Committee 1943-1944
8 87 Public Relations Committee 1943-1947
8 88 Referrals 1944-1947
8 88 Rentals 1946-1948
8 89 Reports and manuals 1942-1947
8 90 Russian war relief 1944
8 90 Seminars 1943
8 90 Small Group Organization Committee 1940
8 90 Southeast Youth Victory Council 1942
8 90 Subscriptions, magazine 1943
8 90 Summer camps and resorts 1943
8 90 Summer Institute Committee 1942-1943
8 91 Sunday Supper Social 1944-1945
8 91 Sympathy letters 1943
8 92 Telephone 1943
8 92 Temple Alumni Association 1941-1943
8 92 Temples, lists of Rabbis 1943
8 92 Thank you letters 1943
8 92 Town Meetings of Greater Cleveland 1944-1945
8 93 United National Clothing Collection 1945
8 93 United Service Organization, Inc. 1941-1943
8 93 Veterans Aid Committee 1946-1947
8 93 Veterans Service Committee 1946-1948
8 94 War Activities Committee 1942-1943
8 94 War Salvage Committee 1944
8 94 Welfare Federation of Cleveland 1947-1948
8 95 Welfare Federation of Cleveland, Group Work Council 1946-1948
8 96 Welfare Federation of Cleveland, Group Work Council, Youth Committee 1944-1945
8 97 White collar workers, summer school 1946-1947
8 97 Workman's Circle 1940-1944
8 98 Young Adult Division 1942-1947
8 98 Young Judaea 1940-1942
8 99 Zionism, Avukah 1940-1943
8 99 Zionism, Avukah Alumni Bureau 1940-1941
8 100 Zionism,, Cleveland Zionist Youth Commission 1945-1948
8 101 Zionism, Hashomer Hatzair 1941-1942
8 101 Zionism, Masada 1940
8 101 Zionism, Young Men's Zionist Group 1941-1942
8 101 Zionism, Zionist Study Group 1940
8 101 Zionism, Zionist Youth Council 1940-1943