Series III: Camp Wise 1907-1949

Box Folder
9 1 Alliwise Association, The Gong newsletter 1931-1937
9 1-13 Applications, arranged alphabetically by last name, G - O, pre-1948 dates vary
9 14 Architectural records 1923-1929
9 14 Articles of incorporation 1907
9 14 Camp Wise Crew, minutes and attendance records 1932-1944
9 14 Camp Wise crew, miscellaneous 1943-1946
9 14 Camp Wise Crew, The Crewser newsletter 1943-1948
9 15 Camper registration lists 1944-1947
9 16 Committee organizations lists (Camp Wise Association) 1925-1927 1941-1943
9 16 Financial records (Camp Wise Association) 1921-1927
9 17 Financial records 1945-1948
9 18 Handbooks 1921
Box Folder
10 19 Legal documents 1922-1923 1934
10 19 Log, Boy Leaders 1921
10 20 Manual, Leadership at Camp 1937
10 20 Membership lists 1929-1933 1946-1948
10 21-23 Minutes, Camp Wise Association 1907-1946
10 24 Miscellaneous reports and correspondence 1907 1920-1946
10 24 Newspaper clippings 1923-1924
Box Folder
11 25 Policies and procedures and studies 1945-1949
11 26 Reports 1918-1928
11 27 Scrapbook 1931