Series IV: Jewish Community Center of Cleveland 1916-1966 undated

Sub-series C: Branch Files 1934-1960 undated

Sub-sub-series 1: Arlington Branch 1945-1960 undated

Box Folder
27 1-3 Administrative files 1947-1959
27 3 Adult program 1959-1960
27 4 Advisory Committee, correspondence, membership records, minutes, and rosters 1953-1960
27 5 Annual reports (includes reports for the Central Division and other branches and divisions) 1955-1959
27 6 Bureau of Jewish Education 1956-1958
27 6 Chesterfield Neighborhood Club 1955
27 6 Cleveland Hebrew Schools 1956
27 6 Cleveland Music School Settlement 1955-1958
27 6 Club rosters 1956-1958
27 7 Clubs and classes, Adventure Club; Boys Group; Charm and Dance; Chef Club; Cleveland Heights School Club; and Coed Play Group 1957-1959
27 8 Clubs and classes, Dancing Club; Electronics Club; English Class; Folk Dance Club; Fun With Your Hands; and Gym 1957-1960
27 9 Clubs and classes, Homemakers; Manhattans; Model Building; Modern Dancing; and Music and Craft 1957-1960
Box Folder
28 10 Clubs and classes, Newspaper Group 1957-1960
28 11 Clubs and classes, Play Club; Puppet Making; Recorder Group; Rhythm and Music Craft; and Rhythm Group 1957-1960
28 12 Clubs and classes, Sewing Club; Sports Group; Starlights; Sunday Funday; Tween Supper Club; and Woodworking 1957-1959
28 13 Correspondence 1956-1960
28 13 Correspondence and memoranda to staff 1956-1960
28 13 Correspondence and minutes from other branches 1956-1959
28 14 Day camps, receipts, rosters, and general records 1956-1960
28 15 Facility reservation agreements 1958-1959
28 15 Fall plans 1958-1959
28 15 Financial records 1956-1960
28 16 Glenville Area Community Council 1956-1959
28 16 Group studies 1952-1953
28 16 Inter-city Weekend 1957
28 16 Jerusalem "Y" Lights dates vary
28 16 Jewish Community Center, Board of Trustees announcements, agendas, and rosters 1956-1957
28 17 Jewish Community Center, Finance Committee 1958-1959
28 17 Jewish Community Center, new building fund drive 1956-1959
28 18 Jewish Community Center, new building miscellany 1958
28 18 Jewish Community Center, new building audit, Preliminary Workbook on Facilities for New Building 1957-1959
28 19 Jewish Community Center, Program Audit 1958-1959
28 20 Jewish Community Federation 1956
28 20 Junior Program 1956-1957
28 20 Junior-Senior Divisional Staff Meeting, minutes and related material 1956-1957
28 20 Leaders 1956-1959
28 20 Leader's evaluations 1957-1959
28 20 Leader's Training Institute 1956-1959
28 21 Membership book and general ledger 1957-1959
28 22 Membership records 1956-1959
28 22 Memoranda, central office 1956-1959
28 23 National Association of Social Workers 1957-1958
28 23 National Jewish Welfare Board 1958-1959
28 24 New Americans 1956-1957
28 24 Newsletters 1957-1960
28 24 Papers and reports 1951-1956
28 24 Planning Conference 1956-1957
28 24 Playland 1960
28 24 Playtime 1956-1957
28 25 Playtime, group rosters, attendance sheets, minutes, personal histories of members, and summer session 1955-1957
28 26 Pre-prep and Prep Programs 1954-1960
28 27 Pre-prep Program 1956-1957
28 27 Pre-School, attendance sheets and rosters 1957-1960
28 28 Pre-School, correspondence, minutes, and miscellaneous 1958-1960
28 29 Pre-School, reports on members 1958-1960
28 30 Prep Program 1956-1957
28 30 Program aids 1949-1957
28 31 Program Review 1958
28 31 Property description undated
28 31 Publicity 1956-1959
28 31 Purim suppers 1957-1960
28 32 Reports on club and group members 1959-1960
28 33 Ressler, Louise 1957-1958
Box Folder
29 34 Rosters 1954-1959
29 34 Staff, general records 1956-1959
29 35 Staff Development Committee, minutes 1959
29 35 Staff meeting minutes 1945-1956
29 36 Statistical records 1956-1960
29 37 Statistical records, Day Camp 1954-1955
29 37 Statistical records, membership reports 1950-1955
29 38-42 Statistical records, monthly reports 1951-1959
29 43-44 Superior-Thru Parents Organization 1947-1957
29 45 Union contracts 1956-1960
29 45 Vacation Program undated
29 45 Welfare Federation of Cleveland, Group Work Council 1956
29 45 Western Reserve University, School of Applied Social Science, student field experience 1956-1959

Sub-sub-series 2: Euclid Branch 1957-1960 undated

Box Folder
29 1 Advisory Committee, attendance record, minutes, and related material 1957-1960 undated
29 1 Budget 1957-1960
29 1 Correspondence 1958-1959
29 1 Day Camp 1959
29 1 History undated
29 1 Junior Program 1958
29 2 Ledger 1957-1959
29 2 Membership promotion 1958
29 2 Membership rosters 1957-1960
29 3 Memoranda 1958-1960
29 3 Mimeo material 1958-1959
29 3 Payroll 1958-1960
29 3 Pre-prep and Prep Program 1958-1960
29 3 Pre-School, calendar, correspondence, history, and minutes 1958-1960
29 4 Pre-School, miscellaneous and rosters 1958-1960
29 4 Publicity records 1959
29 4 Reports 1958
29 4 Rosters 1959-1960
29 5 Statistical records, monthly reports 1957-1960
29 5 Winter Vacation Program 1959

Sub-sub-series 3: Heights Branch 1946-1960

Box Folder
29 1-4 Advisory Committee, general records 1946-1960
29 5 Leadership training material 1949-1959
29 6 Statistical records, monthly reports 1951-1952
Box Folder
30 7-8 Statistical records, monthly reports 1953-1956

Sub-sub-series 4: Mayfield Branch 1951-1960 undated

Box Folder
30 1 Budget analysis 1958-1959
30 1 Camp Wise 1960
30 1 Clubs and classes, junior boys (Esquires); junior Canteen; and junior girls (In-Be-Teens) 1958-1959
30 2 Clubs and classes, junior girls (J. C. Ettes) 1957-1959
30 3 Clubs and classes, pre-prep boys (Eagles); pre-prep coed (Play Group Friday and Tuesday); prep boys (Adventure Club); and prep boys (Fun With Your Hands) 1958-1959
30 4 Clubs and classes, prep boys (Racketeers and Untouchables); and prep girls (Art and Sketching; Dance Group; Deb Teens; and Fireflies) 1958-1960
30 5 Clubs and classes, prep girls (Homemakers and Silver Swans) 1958-1959
30 5 Committees and contacts undated
30 6 Correspondence and memoranda 1958-1960
30 6 Day Camp 1959
30 6 Group reports 1958-1959
30 6 Jewish Community Center, board of trustees minutes and agendas 1959-1960
30 6 Jewish Community Center, fall staff conference 1958-1959
30 7 Jewish Community Center, Leadership Research Project and Staff Development Committee 1959
30 7 Jewish Community Center, Leadership Training Committee 1959-1960
30 7-8 Jewish Community Center, Leadership Training Session 1951-1959
30 8 Jewish Community Center, Staff 1956-1959
30 8 Jewish Community Center, Staff Development Committee 1959
30 8 Jewish Community Center, Staff In-Service Training 1958-1959
30 9 Junior Program 1958-1960
30 9 Leaders, applications and evaluations 1958-1960
30 10 Membership cards, family members 1955-1959
30 11 Membership cards, junior members 1956-1959
30 11 Membership rosters 1958-1960
30 12 Mimeo material 1959-1960
30 12 Payroll 1959-1960
30 13 Pre-prep and Prep Program 1958-1960
30 13 Prep Program Expectations Committee 1959-1960
30 14 Public Relations Committee 1959
30 14 Publicity ca. 1958-1959
30 14 Spring Vacation Program, pre-prep and prep 1960
30 14 Statistical records, monthly reports 1958-1960
30 14 Vacation programs 1958-1959
30 14 Winter Vacation Program, pre-prep and prep 1959

Sub-sub-series 5: Shaker-Lee (Mount Pleasant) Branch 1934-1960 undated

Box Folder
30 1-2 Administrative files 1948-1960
30 3 Adult activities 1955-1959
30 3-4 Advisory Committee, minutes and related material 1947-1959
30 5 Annual meeting, general records 1954-1955
30 6 Annual reports 1958-1959
30 6 Athletics 1953-1955
30 6 B'nail B'rith Youth Organization 1953-1954
30 6 Bailenson, Mary 1952-1960
30 6 Birnbaum, Martin 1959-1960
30 7 Branch and division director's meetings, minutes and agendas 1953-1955
30 7 Budget records 1953-1958
Box Folder
31 8 Camp Wise, Inter-City Weekend 1955
31 8 Classes and clubs, Arlington Group; Ceramics; DKP's; Modern Dancing; Sports Club; and Woodshop 1955-1958
31 8 Cleveland Board of Education 1948-1958
31 8 Cleveland Music School Settlement 1956-1958
31 8 Cohen, Marcia 1960
31 8 Community Chest 1954-1955
31 8 Correspondence, thank you letters 1951-1960
31 9 Day camp, rosters and individual member and group evaluations 1956
31 10 Day camp and Camp Wise, general records 953-1959
31 10 Herman Eigen (executive director, Jewish Community Center) 1954
31 11 Extension Advisory Committee 1954-1959
31 11 Family membership lists 1955-1956
31 11 Game Workshop undated
31 11 Gitlin, Paul 1959-1960
31 11 Golden Age information 1957
31 11 Group Leader's Program 1954-1955
31 11-12 Groups and clubs, including rosters 1955-1959
31 12 Helping Mothers, schedule undated
31 12 Holidays, songs and stories 1955-1958
31 12 House Committee 1958-1959
31 12 Insurance 1954-1959
31 12 Inter-city staff meetings 1954-1958
31 13 Jerusalem "Y" 1955-1956
31 13 Jewish Community Center, general file, campaign closing dinner, Permanent Facilities Committee, and Union 1953-1960
31 13 Jewish Community Federation 1954-1956
31 14 Jewish Education 1955-1957
31 14 Jewish Family Service Association, Pre-School Child Study 1959
31 14 Jewish Welfare Board Survey Commission Report 1947
31 14 Jewish Welfare Fund, personnel 1956
31 14 Jewish Youth Council 1953-1958
31 14 Job analysis, director of extension activities 1955
31 14 Junior Advisory Committee 1957
31 14 Junior affairs 1955-1959
31 14 Junior members 1954-1955
31 14 Junior mothers 1955-1960
31 14 Junior trip to New York 1954-1955
31 15 Kinsman Jewish Centers 1955-1957
31 15 Leaders, applications and related material 1953-1958
31 15 Leaders, weekly reports, prep and pre-prep activities 1950-1951
31 15 Leadership training 1949 undated
31 15 Leadership Training Institute 1959
31 15 Leisure time learning 1959
31 16 Mailing lists 1959
31 16 Manuals 1953 undated
31 16 Maple Heights families 1954-1956
31 16-17 Membership 1940-1960
31 17 Membership, committees and rosters 1952-1956
31 18 Membership, statistics 1947-1958
31 18 Memoranda, staff 1955-1960
31 19 Mother's Club 1934-1958
31 19 Mount Pleasant Community Council 1957-1960
31 19 Mount Pleasant Community Council, Health and Welfare Advisory Committee 1955-1957
31 20 Music 1953-1959
31 20 Myths & Realities in Camping undated
31 21 National Association of Jewish Center Workers 1952-1958
31 22 National Jewish Welfare Board 1953-1955
31 22 Newspaper Group ca. 1958
31 22 Office procedures and policies 1948-1949
31 22 Out of town Jewish Community Center directors undated
31 22 Palestine and the United Nations 1948
31 22 Paradise, Robert 1956
31 23 Parent's Organization 1948-1953
31 24 Parent's Planning Committee 1956-1960
31 24 Personnel Practices Codes 1944-1953
31 24 Planning Committee, minutes 1949
31 24 Planning group of branches, day camps, and teen activities 1955-1959
31 24 Population statistics 1947-1948
31 25 Pre-school 1953-1960
31 25 Pre-school, leader's applications 1952-1953
31 26 Pre-school, membership lists 1956-1959
31 26 Pre-school, resource file 1951-1959
31 26 Prep, Advisory Committee 1952-1955
31 26 Prep, Divisional Staff Committee 1952
31 26 Prep, pre-prep activities 1950-1959
31 26 Program ideas 1947-1959
31 27 Publicity 1949-1958
31 27 Purim 1949-1950
31 27 Questionnaire 1960
31 28 Raim, Murray (Supervisor, Mount Pleasant House) 1949-1951
31 28 References 1947-1960
31 28 Religious services 1942 undated
31 29 Retirement fund 1949
31 29 School statistics 1948
31 29 Schreiber, Jake (staff member, Shaker-Lee) 1953
31 29 Senior activities 1950-1960
31 29 Senior Inter-Club Council 1957-1960
Box Folder
32 30 Senior Mother's Club 1945-1953
32 31 Shaker Heights, recreation 1952-1958
32 31 Shaker Heights Board of Education 1955-1957
32 31 Shaker Heights Planning Commission 1952
32 31 Shatz, Estelle (director, Prep and Pre-prep activities) 1955-1958
32 31 Social Security 1950
32 31 Sorin, Sam (director, Shaker Lee) 1952-1955
32 31 Special events 1957
32 32 Staff, Committee on Senior Mothers and general records 1948-1957
32 32 Staff meetings, minutes 1949-1951
32 33 Staff Spring Evaluation Conference 1959
32 33 State Legislative Conference 1949
32 33-36 Statistical records, monthly reports 1951-1956
32 37 Statistical records, work sheets 1954-1956
32 37 Summer Program 1947
32 37 Supervisor's meetings, minutes and related material 1947-1959
32 37 Supervisory Conference 1945-1947
32 37 Survey, Jewish Community Center services ca. 1947
32 38 Teen Age Institute 1948 1958
32 38 Teenagers, general records 1950-1953
32 38 Teen Crier 1947
32 38 Teen Parent's Committee 1950
32 38 Teen reports 1951 1955
32 38 Teen worker's meetings 1950
32 38 Time analysis 1946-1947
32 38 Town Meeting 1959
32 38 Tween activities 1959
32 39 Unaffiliated Jewish groups of high school age 1947
32 39 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 1949
32 39 United Office and Professional Workers of America, Local 87 1945-1950
32 39 United Services for New Americans 1949
32 39 Vacation programs 1947-1959
32 40 Vocational guidance 1944-1946
32 40 Volunteers 1943 1948
32 40 W miscellaneous 1949
32 40 Welfare Federation of Cleveland 1950-1955
32 41 Welfare Federation of Cleveland, Group Work Council 1950-1955
32 41 Western Reserve University, field instructor's meetings 1958
32 42-43 Western Reserve University, School of Applied Social Science student field experience 1943-1953
32 44 Winter Day Camp 1947
32 44 Workers for World Security 1948
32 44 World Jewish Congress 1948
32 44 World Peace Day 1947
32 44 Workmen's Circle 1955
32 44 Young Adult Services Division, minutes and related material 1948-1957
32 44 Young Israel 1949-1958
32 44 Young Judea 1947
32 44 Young Women's Christian Association 1948
32 44 Youth representatives of various organizations ca. 1948
32 44 Zionist Organization of America 1949