Detailed Description of The Collection

Series I: Paul Travis Career and Military Service 1916-1963 undated

Box Folder
1 1 Letters written by Travis from Camp Sherman, Ohio, and from New York City, England, and France, to friends and relatives, expressing his impressions and memories 1917-1919
1 2 Scrapbook and soldier's pay book 1916-1917
1 3 Diaries and notes from African trip, two diaries, and one book of notes, including information on skinning and tanning 1927-1928
1 4 Records from African trip, including bills of lading, list of purchases, and other receipts 1927-1929
1 5 Correspondence, relating to and resulting from the African trip, including letters from friends he met on the trip, especially Viscount Leverhulme of Cheshire, England 1927-1948
1 6 Correspondence relating to Travis' artwork and consisting of requests by museums to exhibit or purchase works, including one letter from an admirer of his work 1923-196
1 7 Awards for art exhibits, primarily from the Cleveland Museum of Art 1922-1963
1 8 Lectures and speeches, consisting of talks given and papers presented by Travis about art exhibits, adult education, and portrait painting ca. 1950-1959
1 9 "An Analysis of the Paintings of Charles Burchfield and Paul Travis," by Ernest H. Lockwood, research paper undated
1 10 Miscellaneous, material, including an undated and unidentified list of water colors and drawings dates vary

Series II: Paul Travis Literary Works undated

Box Folder
2 1 "Boyhood" or "Beaune," incomplete handwritten story about art and drawing, probably autobiographical, about 100 pages undated
2 2 "The Congo Drums," handwritten story in the first person about nature and events in Africa, about 50 pages (probably autobiographical) undated
2 3 "Dreams," handwritten autobiography, impressions, and events of Paul Travis, 31 pages undated
2 4 "Grandmother Bough" and "Aunt Becky," handwritten short stories or musings about his grandmother, Mary Todd Bough, great-aunt Rebecca Travis Robinson, and aunt Mary Travis, about 21 pages undated
2 5 "History of Columbiana County" (Ohio), handwritten manuscript, incomplete, with a wealth of information regarding Travis genealogy and ancestry undated
2 6 Other writings, including manuscripts and partial manuscripts of stories and short stories undated
2 7 Poems undated
2 8 Other poetry, probably by Paul Travis but unidentified except for two poems by M. G. Crowell of Beaune, France undated

Series III: Genealogy and History 1812-1931 undated

Box Folder
2 9 Correspondence of Lucy Wood, consisting of letters from family members, including a letter from both parents which outlines their genealogies and "Early Recollections" by her mother, Elizabeth Ely White 1886-1896
2 10 Journal and essays of Lucy Wood, including a journal kept on a trip to Missouri about 1866; journal of daily events, 1894-1899; a memorial poem, 1884; and an essay on the Pilgrim Fathers (undated) 1866-1899 undated
2 11 Genealogical material, including letters and notes on the Hall and Ely family, correspondence, and a Ramsey family genealogy dated 1931 1829-1931
2 12 Genealogical material and correspondence relating to the White and Vinton families, including correspondence with researchers and papers relating to the Revolutionary War service of Abiather Vinton and Noah White. Also includes the last letter written by American Civil War soldier Maurice Thompson to his uncle, Elliott V. White, in 1862 1862-1895
Box Folder
3 1 Papers of William L. Wood, including a copy of his Civil War diary, 1865, sent about 1905 by C. H. Newman of South Carolina; recollections of William L. Wood dated 1882 and 1884; marriage license of Enoch Wood and Elizabeth Rawson Benjamin, 1845; Wood family correspondence; and Rawson family genealogical material 1865-1905 undated
3 2 Hervey Davis, mathematics notes ca. 1840s
3 3 Robert Davis, mathematics notes ca. 1833
3 4 David Scott, account book of a business in New Lisbon, Columbiana County, Ohio 1812
3 5 William S. Travis, algebra notes 1850