Statement of Arrangement

The collection was arranged by an archivist employed by the fund in the late 1960s. Upon Frances Payne Bolton's death, the records were placed in storage until received by the Western Reserve Historical Society. The current arrangement follows the system created by the Payne Fund archivist, consisting of two series.
Series I: Retired Files, was separated from the fund's general files by the Payne Fund archivist.
Series I is arranged in seven sub-series.
Sub-series A: Administrative Records consists of the office files of the New York and Geneva offices maintained by the fund.
Sub-series A is arranged in nine sub-sub-series.
Sub-sub-series 1: Annual Reports
Sub-sub-series 2: Board of Directors' Files
Sub-sub-series 3: New York Office Correspondence
Sub-sub-series 4: New York Office Financial Files
Sub-sub-series 5: New York Office Historical Files
Sub-sub-series 6: New York Office Memoranda and Reports
Sub-sub-series 7: Geneva Office Correspondence Files
Sub-sub-series 8: Geneva Office Financial Files
Sub-sub-series 9: Geneva Office General Files
Within these nine sub-sub-series, historical files have been so designated by the Payne Fund archivist and consist of annual reports, correspondence, histories of the fund,
Generally, these historical files contain materials dealing with the establishment the fund and its early projects.
Sub-series B: Basic English Files is arranged in eight sub-sub-series.
Sub-sub-series 1: Orthological Institute, Cambridge, England, consists of the correspondence and financial files of its founder, C. K. Ogden.
Sub-sub-series 2: Orthological Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, consists of the correspondece files of this organization later known as the Language Research Institute.
Sub-sub-series 3: Basic English Teaching Aids and Manuals
Sub-sub-series 4: Basic English Translations
Sub-sub-series 5: Orthological Institute Publications
Sub-sub-series 6: Articles, Journals, and Other Printed Items
Sub-sub-series 7: Reports on Language
Sub-sub-series 8: Clippings
Sub-series C: Communications Projects contains the records of the National Committee for the Study of Social Values in Motion Pictures and is arranged in five sub-sub-series.
Sub-sub-series 1: Correspondence
Sub-sub-series 2: Motion Picture Council
Sub-sub-series 3: Publications
Sub-sub-series 4: Reports
Sub-sub-series 5: Clippings
Sub-series D: Fellowships and Grants consists of correspondence and grant applications from individuals, institutions, and 4-H fellows. It is arranged alphabetically by applicant in four sub-sub-series.
Sub-series D was reduced through sampling by the Payne Fund archivist prior to the receipt of the collection by the Western Reserve Historical Society. The extent of this sub-series prior to sampling is unknown.
Sub-sub-series 1: Grants to Individuals, A-R (grants to individuals S-Z can be found in Series II: Numerical Files)
Sub-sub-series 2: Individual Requests for Aid
Sub-sub-series 3: Institutional Grant Requests
Sub-sub-series 4: 4-H Fellowships.
Sub-series E: Negro Projects and Race Relations Projects contain correspondence with African American organizations and is arranged in three sub-sub-series.
Sub-sub-series 1: Bennett College
Sub-sub-series 2: Karamu House of Cleveland
Sub-sub-series 3: United Negro College Fund
Sub-series F: Radio Projects consists of the records of the National Committee on Education by Radio (NCER).
Sub-series F is arranged in sixteen sub-sub-series.
Sub-sub-series 1: Administrative Records
Sub-sub-series 2: Committee Correspondence
Sub-sub-series 3: General Correspondence
Sub-sub-series 4: NCER Printed Materials
Sub-sub-series 5: Ohio State University Printed Materials
Sub-sub-series 6: National Association of Broadcasters Printed Materials
Sub-sub-series 7: Other Printed Materials
Sub-sub-series 8: Payne Fund Office Files
Sub-sub-series 9-15: Service Bureau Files
Sub-sub-series 16: Ventura Free Press Files
Sub-series G: Youth Project Files consists of alphabetically arranged subject and organizational files.
Sub-series G includes some records of the National Committee for the Study of Juvenile Reading, which supported the study
National Committee for the Study of Juvenile Reading records can also be found in Series II: Numerical Files.
Series II: Numerical Files consists of fund records that have been arranged by the Payne Fund archivist in numerical fashion and retained in their original order by the Western Reserve Historical Society.
Series II is arranged in six sub-series in general alphabetical order.
Sub-series A: General Administrative Files
Sub-series B: Negro Project Files
Sub-series C: Payne Fund Communications Project Files include motion picture studies materials and the work of Dr. Edgar Dale at Ohio State University.
Sub-series D: Payne Fund Radio Projects and NCER Files
Sub-series E: Payne Fund Scholarship Files
Sub-series F: Payne Fund Youth Project Files includes correspondence with the Children's Section of the International Bureau of Education, records of the National Committee on the Study of Juvenile Reading and their report on girl life in America.
Sub-series F also includes correspondence and studies regarding the attitudes of youth in the 1930s and correspondence with the Civics Research Institute.
Sub-series F also includes the files of the Junior Extension University Press, a project of the National Committee on the Study of Juvenile Reading.