Series III: Subject Files 1955-1971 undated

Box Folder
11 474 By-laws, Local Union 1377 and Maintenance Unit undated
11 475 Committee On Collective Bargaining, 1966 Bulletins and teletype copy 1966
11 476 Committee On Collective Bargaining, Conference, 15 March 1966 and Grass Roots Meetings 1966
11 477 Committee On Collective Bargaining, General Electric Company, 1966 contract negotiations, and printed summaries of teletype messages dated 23 August thru 20 October 1966 1966
11 478 Committee On Collective Bargaining, Teletype copy, messages dated 23 August thru 28 September 1966 1966
11 479 Committee On Collective Bargaining, Teletype copy, messages dated 26 August thru 7 October 1966 1966
Box Folder
12 480 Committee On Collective Bargaining, Teletype copy, messages dated 10 October thru 31 October 1966 1966
12 481 Committee On Collective Bargaining, miscellaneous correspondence 1967-1968
12 482 Committee On Collective Bargaining, Grass Roots Meetings, General Electric contract negotiations 1969
12 483 Committee On Collective Bargaining, National contract negotiations with General Electric and Westinghouse Electric 1969
12 484 Committee On Collective Bargaining, General Electric contract negotiations, teletype copy, messages dated 27 August thru 26 November 1969 1969
12 485 Committee On Collective Bargaining, General Electric contract negotiations, teletype copy, messages dated3 December 1969 thru 28 January 1970 1969-1970
12 486 Electrical Workers' Alliance, Leece-Neville independent union 1957-1958
12 487 Internal Revenue Service: text on special ruling concerning travel expenses and construction workers 1956 1971
12 488 International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, (IUE) undated
12 489 Job Evaluation and Description Studies 1946 1968-1969
12 490 Job Rating Manual, American Association of Industrial Management publication undated
12 491 Jurisdictional Agreements, working agreements with other unions undated
12 492 Local Union Thirty Eight, IBEW, miscellaneous records undated
12 493 Lost Time Payments 1965 1967
12 494 Maintenance Unit Member Fined By Other Locals, working agreement or IBEW Constitution violations undated
12 495 Mass Meeting Election Register ca. 1966-1967
12 496 National Joint Training Apprenticeship Committee undated
12 497 Outside Contractors, Ford Motor Company 1955-1969
12 498 Picker X-Ray, Independent union drive 1964
12 499 Radio, Television and Sound Unit, attendance roster 1960-1962
12 500 Survey of IBEW Contracts in the Switchboard Industry undated
12 501 Systems Council EM1, General Electric and Westinghouse negotiations 1965-1966
12 502 Systems Council EM1, General Electric and Westinghouse negotiations, and Conference report 1968
12 503 Systems Council EM1, General Electric and Westinghouse contract negotiations and Conference 1969-1970
12 504 Thirty Forty Three Superior Building Corporation, purchase and maintenance of L.U. 1377 headquarters undated
12 505 United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America, (UE), miscellaneous material from L.U.707, L.U. 713, L.U. 731 and L.U. 735, jurisdictional disputes and membership raids undated
12 506 United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America, miscellaneous correspondence, and newspaper clippings 1955-1956
Box Folder
13 507 Westinghouse Employee's Council, By-laws 1955-1967
13 508 Westinghouse Employee's Council, conference reports 1955-1964
13 509 Westinghouse Employee's Council, miscellaneous correspondence 1965-1969